
Friday, May 28, 2010

Winner of LLP's 1st Giveaway

The winner is.... drumroll please.....

Queenie!!!! Congrats and I hope I you love the items as much as I do! I'll email you to work out how to send you the prize.

I used, and when I was testing it at home, it had a link I could post to show the answer. However, when I used it today at work (shhhh don't tell) the link generator wouldn't work! I'm so frustrated! So I saved a screen shot of the answer if anyone wants proof I could send it to them. LOL.

Thank you to everyone who entered and for all of my lovely readers! This blog has been so much fun and I truly enjoy and appreciate each one of you!


  1. Ummm... can you please send me the proof? I thought for sure I would be the winner! j/k, j/k ;-)

    Congrats Queenie! You lucky duck!

  2. Yay! Super stoked, never win anything! Thanks Miss K!


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