
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Favorite Nude Lipgloss


So we all know I'm a HUGE fan of MAC's Dazzleglass in Sugarrimmed, in fact I said it's life changing- and I still stand by that.

Another nude shade I love is their Tinted Lipglass in C-Thru, which is great by itself or over other shades. It's my perfect go-to nude to pair with their Lipstick Hue.


This weekend, I came across a new MAC 'Warm & Cozy' Tinted Lipglass in Feeling Dreamy and I'm in love. Pure, Ican'tlivewithoutyou love. I don't know how I went out the previous nights without this nude color. It has just the right hint of pink in it and looks great with heavy eye makeup or by itself to glam yourself up.

I love a great nude lip, it goes with everything, can be worn for any occasion, is right for every skin tone, and looks absolutely stunning on anyone! I often wear a nude lip because I rock a smoky eye 90% of the time I go out and I don't need a Picasso painting on my face for makeup.

If you want to try a nude shade before committing to buying one, just sweep on your liquid foundation (through a Poor Beauty Choice I once used concealer and my lips were nearly white and I looked like a corpse) let it set for a minute, then sweep on a clear gloss. See? Looks great!
What are your favorite lip shades? Do you use any of the ones I do? Dish!

You can purchase any of the colors here or here.


  1. Oh great...more lip glosses to add to my overwhelming stash!!!

    Great picks...

  2. Thanks Coley! I know what you mean, I currently carry like 3456788654 lip products in my purse everyday and that's not even counting my lip product only makeup bag!

  3. gosh I REALLY want to try nude lipstick but I am SOO makeup challenged!

  4. Amber- if you're makeup challenged, then nude lipstick is perfect for you! You won't have to worry if it looks good on you or matches what you're wearing! Try it with the liquid foundation topped with your favorite lipgloss.

  5. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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