
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Pink Plaid for the Win!

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Tunic // Scarf (similar here and here) // Pants

This scarf is probably my most favorite scarf ever- and that says a lot because I have tons of scarves! I bought it at the end of September and have been impatiently waiting for cooler temps so I could wear it. I finally got the chance last week when California started experiencing "cold" weather. I snagged this tunic during the Nordstrom half yearly sale and it's on sale again for $25! I might just have to order it again in a different color. What I like so much about it is that's it's really easy to wear, it goes well tucked in or out (you can see in the pics) and is thin so it's easy to layer without overheating.

I'm trying to post more often, sorry I've been so MIA lately. I've had a bit of a writer's block and the girls have been sick, and we've been really busy so I've just been passing out after putting the girls down for bed. My goal for the new year is to post at least three times a week.

What are some of your favorite posts? What would you like to see on the blog?

Monday, December 28, 2015

Our Christmas Weekend

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday this past weekend- it's such a magical time (yes, I know how corny and cliche that sounds, but it's the truth!). We had an amazing Christmas and I'm really not ready for it to be over so quickly.

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On Christmas Eve, I had to work a short day, then we headed over to Matt's parents' home to celebrate Christmas with his side. Santa came to visit and brought each child a gift to get the party started. Ellie was in total amazement and even gave Santa a kiss! It was really special and a lot of fun, it was the perfect start to the celebration.

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I was so excited for the morning and couldn't wait for everyone to get up. I was up first, bright and early and the girls both slept in- I couldn't believe it! When Ellie came out of her room and saw her kitchen and gifts, her eyes just lit up and she had to wake up Emma to join us. We had a lazy morning and played with all her new goodies before getting ready and heading to my aunt's to celebrate with my side.

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Saturday morning we tried and failed to sleep in so we got to work on cleaning up the house, putting away Christmas gifts, and we even started taking down all of our decorations.We usually keep them up til after the new year, but since we had the time we thought it was best to take advantage of it. We headed back to my in-laws so they could watch the girls while Matt and I went on a date.

We haven't had dinner out and alone in months, I was still pregnant on our last dinner date! After dinner we thought about going back to Matt's parents place because we missed the kids, but decided to catch a movie instead. What we really wanted was to head back home and go to bed, but we'll sleep when we're dead. We watched The Big Short (we really enjoyed it!) and it was the first adult movie we've seen in theaters or even by ourselves since 2013! It was so nice to get away and have some time together. We really need to make it more of a priority to get away more often together.

Sunday we had breakfast and visited for a bit before coming home. The girls and I went to church and relaxed the rest of the day. It was really one of the best Christmases I've ever had and I'm so very thankful for our family. I loved the whole weekend and seeing everyone. Everything I've ever wanted in life I have and I'm so thankful for the blessings in our lives. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas and were able to spend time with your loved ones.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What's in my Diaper Bag with Huggies!

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With Ellie, I packed everything in our diaper bag. If I thought I could maybe, possibly, use it, I stuck it in our diaper bag. Over the last two years, I've learned so much and now with a new little one, I have packing our diaper bag down to a T.

I've learned to really just pack the basics, which could be tucked into a tote bag or large purse, and head out the door. If we're going to be gone for a long time, I'll pack an additional bag to leave in the car- items like jammies, change of shoes, extra diapers and wipes. Wanna see what I have in my diaper bag?

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1. Clothing
I always pack a change of clothes for the girls, one set for Ellie and two sets for Emma. I always make sure we have socks, in case something happens to theirs, it gets cold, or as an extra layer under jammies. I also always pack a soft swaddle blanket which serves so many purposes. It's nice to cover up the girls, as an extra layer, to swaddle, to use as a nursing cover in a pinch, or to lay on the ground to let Emma play on.

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2. Toys
Depending on your child's age, I pack 1-2 small items to entertain them while we're out. Emma is in love with this elephant and it goes with us everywhere! Other good items to bring are rattles and teethers. If you're child takes a paci, always pack an extra two! Emma won't really take one, but we couldn't carry enough for Ellie when she was young.

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3. Diapers and Wipes
The good stuff- diapers, wipes, and rash cream! A good rule of thumb for little babies is one diaper for every two hours you're gone. I have yet to really use this many diapers on a trip, but you just never know! It's better to have too many than too little. My biggest advice it to bring extra wipes! We use two wipes holders, one with our changing mat and one we keep as a spare at the bottom of our bag. We run out of wipes faster than anything else since we use them for so much.

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Our diapers of choice from day one with both girls is Huggies. I've found that they fit the best from the very beginning, especially with their umbilical cord cutouts to help with healing. We had the least amount of blow outs and leaks with Huggies, and their wetness indicator is perfect to know when they need a change, especially when you're just adjusting to their feeding habits and establishing a routine.

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One time I had to call their customer service line and the representative I spoke with was so nice and friendly. I remember getting off the phone and telling my friends about their exceptional customer service. That call alone really cemented my loyalty to them, they are an awesome company with products that help keep my babies' skin soft and protected.

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Another mom tip I have is to buy your diapers in bulk! You go through them so quickly and I've priced them everywhere and I get mine at Sam's (along with popcorn, milk, and other yummy snacks). The girls love getting out of the house and trying samples, checking out their kid stuff, and we always get a snack on our way out. It's been a nice break while I was on maternity leave so sit and talk with Eleanor. What's awesome about being a member is that you can get store pick up or free shipping! Score!

What do you keep in your diaper bag? Any tricks or tips?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wishlist Wednesday: Easy Gifts Under $25

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I've been all over the internet on the hunt for some gift ideas for my sisters and thought I'd gather some ideas for anyone else looking for something great for a good price!  I saw these items online and thought they'd make perfect gifts.

Makeup: Everyone can use some primer and setting goodies to help their makeup last through the holidays. I've been OBSESSED with my LORAC palettes and this one is a steal with some truly gorgeous shades that are perfect for every day. It's a small case so it would fit nice in a makeup bag. The Melted lipsticks have been on my radar for a long time- I think it's time to test run them!

Accessories: I love the basics! Simple pieces you can wear daily, you can't go wrong with studs. I love the vintage styling on the sides of these ones! The bangle is gorgeous and would pair perfectly with a watch and mixed with other metals and bracelets. The headband is beautiful and would really make a statement with a simple hair style for the holiday parties!

What do you like to gift and get?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#SpreadCheer with Betty Crocker + $20 Giveaway!

One of my favorite Christmas memories is my Grandmother's cookies. She made all different kinds, but my personal favorite were her sugar cookies. They were amazing! She would have to make hundreds and we'd all eat them all up so she would have to hide them from the family. It was always a hunt when we came over and we only found them twice- buried in the snow! She was an amazing cook and baker and her treats always made us feel special.

Baking and cookies are something I want to share with my kids and loved ones. Now that I'm back to work, it's so hard to try and squeeze everything in on the weekends and nights before bedtime. I'm loving that Betty Crocker is here to help me through the holidays. Her cookie bags are simple to follow, make delicious cookies, and her cream cheese frosting is to die for.

This season, you can help #spreadcheer with Betty's new campaign to share the holiday spirit with friends, loved ones, and neighbors. It's so simple and a great activity to do with your littles and help teach them the joy of giving!

1. Download your coupon and grab your goodies at your local stores

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2. Start baking easy holiday treats with your little elves

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3. While you wait for cookies to finish baking, take advantage of their free printables! They have coloring pages for the kids, gift tags for the cookies, and door signs for the goodies!

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4. Once your cookies have cooled- get to decorating! I hope our neighbors like sprinkles...

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5. Tie up your cookies with the gift tags and drop them to your neighbors!

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Our cookies turned out so good, we're baking them again this weekend! Can't beat a simple cookie mix, butter, and a single egg! It's so nice that these treats are so easy and quick to make. We had a great time baking and decorating them together and Ellie had so much fun delivering them to neighbors. The little boy above has been sick for a while and was ecstatic to have some treats! It was the sweetest moment, he couldn't believe they were his and it really brightened up his spirit.

Now for some fun and your chance to win $20 in PayPal Cash!!

Spread cheer with your family, snap a photo, then share it on your choice of social media with the hashtag #SpreadCheer and nominate two friends by tagging them to join in the fun! Come back and link to your share so I can check it out or tag me in your original post! I can't wait to see everyone's goodies!

a Rafflecopter giveaway